declutter & manage all of the paper in your home

Everything you need to declutter the backlog of paper and create systems from incoming paper.

Everything from kids school work, bills and art to junk mail in your mail box.

Normally $47

Get it now for only $17!

let me guess...

Your paper currently has no organization, or systems.

You fear losing important, or sentimental papers.

You have a HUGE amount of paper that comes in on a daily basis - mail, flyers, art work... and it is overwhelming to go through, so you procrastinate and it piles up.

Welcome to modern mom life! We can't change the paper that comes in, but we CAN change how we manage it.

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clear the back log

Step one is to clear the backlog of paper you have in your home.

I walk you through the simplest way to do this BIG project.


Decide what papers are essential to keep based on your family's needs & lifestyle.

Choose where they will be kept in an appropriate way.


Create simple and sustainable habits for the incoming papers so you don't fall behind again, or lose what you need.

manage all of the paper in your home

With this super simple guide and process to clear the backlog AND prepare for the paper that will always be coming into your home.

Are You Ready to finally put an end to your paper piles?

Get this simple mini course and guide and start today!

Get All of this AND the bonuses

How to sort & store your paper

The decision making process for your paper piles

Daily paper decluttering & routines

Decluttering the backlog of your paper

Kids art & school work

Photos, manuals & going digital

Sticking with it, paper routines

BONUS: Sentimental items & memory boxes workshop



What is the format?

The bulk of this course is audio/video. The videos do have closed captions for accessibility. There are no worksheets to complete for this course.

How long do I have?

As long as you need! Many moms use this over and over because as their kids get older, their routines and needs change. It's designed to grow with you. We teach you about that in the circular priority model bonus training :)

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you know me then you know that integrity is super important to me. That doesn't mean that I don't mess up from time to time (I'm human) but I promise to always provide valuable content, listen to your needs, communicate back with you, and hold everything I do with integrity.

If you get in and use under 15% of the content, and have not downloaded the course content checklist, and don't like it then I am happy to give you a refund. I am pretty darn confident that you are going to get in here and see how life changing this content can be for your home & family.

Your Image

Hey, I'm Krista

I’m a mom just like you who has decluttered her entire home.

I don’t teach decluttering in theory, and I will never ask you to do something in your home that I have not done myself.

All the tips and strategies you find in this course have worked for thousands of other moms.

I’m here to help you find that sweet spot of having enough, but not too much, so you can feel less stressed in your home.





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