Everything you need to create simple, flexible routines for the things you have to do every day.
Get it now for only $17!
Or do you WANT to create and stick with routines, but just can't figure out how because kids and mom life are so unpredictable?
No problem!
As a mom you NEED just enough structure to get through your days and actually get the basics done.
When the basics are taken care of, you can do what you WANT instead of just try to catch up on what you need.
Laundry will always need to be done.
And this one laundry routine I teach will make you:
1. Get caught up & stay caught up on laundry
2. Troubleshoot if you need to declutter some clothes
Everybody has to eat. Multiple times a day... every. single. day.
The dishes aren't going away but with this simple routine you can teach your whole family, will make the dishes stop stacking up in the sink forever.
AND it will help you troubleshoot if you need to declutter some dishes.
Make your home ready for the day, in 15-20 minutes with the nightly reset routine.
Get the whole family on board and finally go to bed at the end of the day feeling like you're actually caught up!
By implementing these super simple routines in your home!
Rigid routines that take up a majority of your day
Inflexible schedules that don't allow for you to adjust for things like tired kids, or sports schedules (or monthly hormones, know what I'm saying?)
A long to do list that makes MORE work from you
A simple way to stay on top of your daily tasks as a mom and family
A way to get the whole family involved in caring for the home
Something that feels like it gives you more time and energy than it takes from you
Get this simple mini course and guide and start today!
Get All of this AND the bonuses
How to know what kind of routine you need, and what kind you don't
Setting realistic priorities for your routines
BONUS: The circular priority model for moms who can't always just "fill their cup up" on demand
The things you have to do, and the things you don't training
Anchor days & times for your life as a mom
How to make a morning routine
How to make a nightly routine
How to habit stack
Dish routines
Laundry routines
Different time management techniques to try
To feel a little bit more control over your days than you have now
To teach your kids how to care for the home alongside you
Have a simple way to gauge whether or not you need to declutter some of the stuff in your home
Naturally keep up on the daily tasks in your home and feel more at peace at the end and beginnings of you day
Want a daily schedule to follow step by step
Micro-manage the people in your home
Feel more stressed because you have a long list to keep up with
If you know me then you know that integrity is super important to me. That doesn't mean that I don't mess up from time to time (I'm human) but I promise to always provide valuable content, listen to your needs, communicate back with you, and hold everything I do with integrity.
If you get in and use under 15% of the content, and have not downloaded the course content checklist, and don't like it then I am happy to give you a refund. I am pretty darn confident that you are going to get in here and see how life changing this content can be for your home & family.
I’m a mom just like you who has decluttered her entire home.
I don’t teach decluttering in theory, and I will never ask you to do something in your home that I have not done myself.
All the tips and strategies you find in this course have worked for thousands of other moms.
I’m here to help you find that sweet spot of having enough, but not too much, so you can feel less stressed in your home.