Everything you need to declutter toys, organize them and keep the play room cleaned up.

  • 31 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 0 Files

  • Start here!

  • What qualifies as a good toy?

  • What qualifies as a good toy for your family?

  • Too much of a good thing

  • Universally loved, and not loved toys

  • Toys aren't what makes a good childhood

  • How to include your family

  • Our favorite game

  • Toy sampling

  • Supplemental toy podcast bank

  • The no toys spend rule

  • Choosing your daily storage

  • Choosing your toy rotation storage

  • Toy inventory trello board and google doc

  • How to use the inventory system imperfectly

  • Toy organization & storage

  • Choosing what stays and what goes

  • Responsibly decluttering

  • How to get toys out of the house without them noticing, or wanting to keep the toys you're getting rid of

  • What if they notice something is missing?

  • Saving toys for next kids

  • What if we get rid of it, and they want it again?

  • What about the toys I want them to play with, but they just don't?

  • Guilt (for throwing away, gifts, etc)

  • What to do when they want to keep it all

  • Bummed about wasted money on toys

  • Sentimental toys

  • They want EVERYTHING

  • How to motivate your kids to declutter their toys based on personality & ages

  • A helpful strategy for decluttering toys